12KBW is proud to announce its Anti-Racism Statement, which sets out our Chambers’ commitment to the elimination of racism at the Bar, and the promotion of diversity, inclusion and tolerance. This mission statement forms part of our broader Anti-Racism commitment, and further details of how we implement our commitment can be found on our  Equality and Diversity pages.

Our Anti-Racism Statement

12 KBW is committed to ensuring fairness and equality. We recognise our role in society as a source of access to justice, and we reject racism in all its forms.

We are committed to the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion within our organisation, the legal profession, and the community we serve. As a Chambers, we embrace our obligation to listen to those around us and to make positive changes.

We are committed to adhering to the Bar Standards Board’s Anti-Racist Statement. We will continue to review how we work, to encourage inclusion, and to support initiatives that foster diversity. We commit to rigorously challenging those individuals who behave in ways that are contrary to our values.